Are you tired of failed one-size-fits-all approaches to dieting? 
Overwhelmed by stress at work? 
Fed up with nagging cravings? 
Want to feel awesome in your body?

Our Integrative Nutrition & Culinary Medicine Program is the Answer

What is Integrative Nutrition & Culinary Medicine? It is a practice that incorporates the science of medicine and the art of food and cooking to create an individualized approach to food choices. There is robust evidence showing that many chronic diseases can be prevented or improved with simple dietary changes. Through our Integrative Nutrition & Culinary Medicine Program, you will learn how to understand the value of food and cooking, and how certain foods contribute to chronic disease and well being. We provide a simple approach to bringing delicious, health promoting foods into daily life.

Achieve your goals in a way that’s empowering and exciting! We practice a holistic approach to nutrition, health and wellness, which means that we look at how all areas of your life are connected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we will look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

Our approach is not to dwell on calorie counting, portion control or restricting you to certain foods. Instead, we work with our clients to create a happy, healthy life in a way that is flavorful, flexible, fun and rewarding.

Together, we’ll work to reach your health goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, reducing food cravings, increasing sleep, and maximizing energy. Together with our team, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the food, healthy cooking and lifestyle choices that work best for you, and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance, and health.

Is Our Integrative Nutrition Program Right for You?

Working with our Integrative Nutrition Team can lead to successful, healthy lifestyle changes. Don’t wait any longer! Let’s us help you improve your quality of life.

+ What is Integrative Nutrition?

Integrative nutrition is a program that provides information, support, and encouragement to help a person set and reach their health and wellness goals. Our nutrition team will help identify issues that may hinder optimal health and wellness, as well as develop personalized strategies to overcome these. We use a holistic approach that takes into account not only health concerns, but also other factors that may affect your health and wellness such as kitchen skills, relationships, career, spirituality, and mindfulness. Overall, intregrative nutrition gives support and tools to enhance quality of life.

+ Why should I try Integrative Nutrition?

Your health is your most important asset. Most people know what they should do to improve their health, but it’s hard to implement these things into their daily lives. It’s also confusing and challenging to decipher through the endless, and often times, conflicting, information that’s available. Our nutrition team can filter this information to find what applies to you as an individual. Not all diets are created equal and everyone is an individual, so our nutrition team will provide a personalized plan to generate permanent changes that will improve your overall health and wellness, and we’ll be there every step of the way to ensure your success.

+ Does this only have benefits if I have a serious health concern?

No, benefits of integrative nutrition are not dependent on a serious health concern. Integrative nutrition can be useful for weight loss, increased energy, improved digestion, reduced cravings, clean eating, and making empowered food choices. It also benefits people with health concerns such as adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism, celiac, high cholesterol, inflammation and cancer. Basically, any person who is looking for guidance to achieve optimal wellness will benefit from integrative nutrition.

+ How long do clients typically participate in our program?

We recommend that you purchase a package of 6 consultations, which will be spread out over a 3 month period. This allows enough time to develop sustainable lifestyle changes through a series of short term and long term goals. We also offer week long retreats and individual coaching sessions as an introduction to integrative nutrition or on an as-needed basis.

+ How do I get started?

Contact the clinic to schedule your first nutrition consultation. Once you are scheduled, we will email you an intake form & food journal template to record your current food intake for the next 3 days.

+ Is there support in between my scheduled nutrition consults??

Email support is provided in between sessions for general questions or to address minor concerns. Any email received that requires an extensive response will be addressed during next visit.