Getting Started With The Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Following the anti-inflammatory can help counteract chronic inflammation that is a root cause of many serious diseases, including heart disease, Alzheimer’s and many cancers.

Here are some of the tips to get you started:

• Choose organic produce whenever possible. Learn which conventionally grown crops are most likely to carry pesticide residues and avoid them. See the Clean 15 and the Dirty Dozen

• Decrease your consumption of animal protein. Fish and high quality natural cheese and yogurt are fine, but try to swap out red meat, pork and poultry for whole soy foods, beans and legumes – all are excellent vegetarian sources of protein.

• Swap out white potatoes for sweet potatoes. The latter are packed with nutrients (including carotenoids, copper, and fiber) and rank much lower on the glycemic index scale than white potatoes.

• Begin eating more ginger (if you don’t already). Not just a potent anti-inflammatory, this spicy root is also an extraordinary carminative and anti-nausea agent. Add freshly grated ginger root to stir-frys, and try ginger lemonade made with grated ginger, lemon juice, honey and water.

• Drink pure water, or drinks that are mostly water (tea, very diluted fruit juice, sparkling water with lemon) throughout the day. Avoid sodas or drink with sugar substitutes.