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Boost immunity
Restore health
Improve performance
Accelerate recovery

What is Cryotherapy?

Everyone can benefit from cold water immersion cryotherapy. This 2 to 10 minute treatment reduces inflammation and releases endorphins that help alleviate pain, boost energy and metabolism, and increase the body’s natural healing abilities.

An international study on the effects of cold water immersion (CWI) as compared to dry whole body cryotherapy (WBC) was done to identify if one modality is better than another for recovery. The conclusion was that greater reductions in blood flow and tissue temperature were observed after CWI in comparison with WBC. This translates into more powerful rejuvenating and therapeutic effects.

From the elite athlete in training, the weekend warrior wanting recovery, the post-op patient trying to supplement PT, to the person that is in chronic pain looking for an alternative form of relief. Come experience cold water immersion cryotherapy for yourself and see how rejuvenating it feels.


Benefits of Cryotherapy


Stimulation & Immune boosting

The cold forces your body to release norepinephrine, increasing alertness and focus, while instilling a positive mood.

Metabolic Rate

Activates brown adipose tissue, or brown fat, causing your body to burn more calories.

Inflammation & Pain Reduction

Causes a higher presence of anti-inflammatory proteins to be present in the blood, resulting in less joint/muscle pain and swelling.

Collagen Production

Boosts collagen production & Prevents the breakdown of collagen

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