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Boost immunity
Restore health
Improve performance
Accelerate recovery

What is Photobiomodulation Therapy?

Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) is a light therapy that promotes tissue repair (skin wounds, muscles, tendons, bones, nerves), reduces inflammation or reduces pain. In healthy people it increases strength, reduces fatigue and speeds up recovery. The therapeutic use of visible and NIR light has been studied for almost forty years. Over 600 Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) have been published using PBMT devices, and the technology has been featured in over 4,000 laboratory studies. PBMT is used in thousands of clinics, hospitals and elite sports institutions in over 70 nations. PBMT was previously known as “Low Level Laser Therapy” or “Low Level Light Therapy” because the light is applied using a low power laser or LED. It is a non-invasive therapy and, unlike drugs, it has no side effects. PBMT is not an ablating or heating based therapy, it is more akin to photosynthesis with light being absorbed by the cells and catalyzing chemical changes.

When our cells are stressed they produce a molecule called Nitric Oxide. This molecule blocks the receptor site that Oxygen belongs in during the respiratory process - the process of turning sugar in our blood into cellular energy. Usually, through rest and the consumption of anti-oxidants, the body is able to dispose of excess Nitric Oxide. However, when stressed the body does not have the capacity to remove enough Nitric Oxide. This leads to molecules known as “reactive oxygen species” being leaked into the cell. This is known as “Oxidative Stress.” Reactive oxygen species are toxic and trigger mechanisms for inflammation, muscle fatigue, cell death and the expression of genes responsible for cancer, Alzheimer’s, osteoarthritis and more. PBMT helps promote antioxidant production. Read more about PBMT and cancer here.

PBMT stimulates cellular energy production (adenosine triphosphate or ATP) and can decrease fat. Low level laser light can penetrate the skin and reduce the stability of fat cell membranes without affecting skin, muscle, or nerve tissue. The fat cells then release their lipids, which are carried away by the lymphatic system. Taking lipids out of fat cells makes them smaller, reducing the amount of fat. In other words, light therapy helps the body wash away fat cells. Results begin to appear about 4 weeks after treatment. PBMT is not by itself a weight loss program. Only a life change with an emphasis on diet and exercise will have a dramatic and lasting effect on weight loss. But if you’re doing everything right, PBMT can enhance your efforts. The process is considered quite safe. It requires no downtime and there are no reported side effects.


Benefits of Photobiomodulation Therapy


Tissue Healing

PBMT has been shown to stimulate cellular repair for better overall tissue recovery. This can also aid in the prevention of age related muscle degeneration.

decrease Pain

PBMT has been shown to relax muscles and lessen overall pain levels while stopping pain sooner.

Immune Boosting

PBMT can stimulate your immune system, reducing the probability of future illness

Improve Mood & Brain Health

PBMT has been linked to increased cerebral blood flow and brain energy metabolism, ultimately leading to diminishing the symptoms of major neurological disorders.

Improves Sleep Quality

PBMT has been shown to increase sleep quality, thereby positively impacting work capacity and overall well-being.

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