Bio-Energy Therapy Protocol (BTP)

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Boost immunity
Restore health
Improve performance
Accelerate recovery

We are proud to introduce a new protocol at our center to help our clients achieve better health.

WHAT IS THE bio-energy therapy PROTOCOL?

Exposing your body to four of Earth’s natural elements. Magnetism. Oxygen. Red Light. Water.

Let’s break down the four elements:
Earth = PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields)
Wind = EWOT (Exercise with Oxygen)
Fire = PBMT (Photobiomodulation Light Therapy)
Water = ATC (Aqua Therapy Circuit)

Without magnetism, oxygen, light and water we cannot survive. With them we are “Superhuman.” The benefits are compelling no matter if you’re 80, recovering from cancer treatments, or an elite athlete.

bio-energy therapy PROTOCOL - FOUR ELEMENTS



Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF ) is a non-invasive, painless treatment which works by emitting a pulsating, varying intensity and frequency electromagnetic field. Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy is a clinically proven, safe, and non-invasive way to improve cellular function. Magnetic fields are created by all living things, including human cells. PEMF delivers short, magnetic, harmonic impulses that re-energize cells by triggering electrical changes to create a more balanced and vibrant state. By shifting the bio-magnetic state of the cell, electrical impulses are actually generated by the cells themselves. This is a healthy response that helps to clear toxins while restoring the ability to take in and utilize nutrients. Cellular metabolism is enhanced, ATP or cellular fuel is increased, blood cells regenerate and circulation improves increasing oxygen capacity. Every cell in the body can become supercharged working at a much greater level.

Research has shown the following benefits of PEMF therapy:

  • Improved circulation

  • Reduction of pain

  • Muscle relaxation and performance

  • Reduction of swelling

  • Decreased inflammation

  • Improved oxygenation in the tissues

  • Improved sleep

  • Enhanced cellular repair and recovery

  • Immune balancing

  • Joint cartilage repair

Additionally, PEMFs clear the body’s energy circuits, the acupuncture and chakra system, as shown by meridian stress assessment testing. Reducing the stress responses in the body will allow individuals to be proactive in slowing the aging process.


Oxygen training is known as EWOT (Exercise With Oxygen Training) and is being done worldwide to super-oxygenate the body. Deconditioned and super athletes alike are seeing benefits beyond compare. EWOT has also been adopted by Physicians and Super Regeneration Centers worldwide. Breathing in higher levels of oxygen works to improve the health of your blood, cells and microvessels. Through EWOT high oxygen levels in the circulation, organs and muscles can be achieved much faster and more efficiently compared to hyperbaric oxygen chambers.

You’ll wear a mask that provides oxygen-rich air. It’s a quick 15 minute treatment or workout, depending on your goals. Recover from fatigue, tune your brain, stay young, optimize your immune system. Increase performance levels and restore health. There are many benefits of EWOT:

  • Increase the energetic status and efficiency of your entire body

  • Experience improvement in tissue and organ function

  • Stimulate your immune system

  • Reduce inflammation in the body, starting with the vascular system and joints

  • Produce the energy of youth, creating short-term health and longevity


Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) is a light therapy that promotes tissue repair (skin wounds, muscles, tendons, bones, nerves), reduces inflammation or reduces pain. In healthy people it increases strength, reduces fatigue and speeds up recovery. PBMT has been the subject of systematic reviews for a range of musculoskeletal pathologies with favorable conclusions reported by The Lancet, BMJ, and International Association for the Study of Pain and the World Health Organization. PBMT was previously known as “Low Level Laser Therapy” or “Low Level Light Therapy” because the light is applied using a low power laser or LED. It is a non-invasive therapy and, unlike drugs, it has no side effects. PBMT is not an ablating or heating based therapy, it is more akin to photosynthesis with light being absorbed by the cells and catalyzing chemical changes.

When our cells are stressed they produce a molecule called Nitric Oxide. This molecule blocks the receptor site that Oxygen belongs in during the respiratory process - the process of turning sugar in our blood into cellular energy. Usually, through rest and the consumption of anti-oxidants, the body is able to dispose of excess Nitric Oxide. However, when stressed the body does not have the capacity to remove enough Nitric Oxide. This leads to molecules known as “reactive oxygen species” being leaked into the cell. This is known as “Oxidative Stress.” Reactive oxygen species are toxic and trigger mechanisms for inflammation, muscle fatigue, cell death and the expression of genes responsible for cancer, Alzheimer’s, osteoarthritis and more. PBMT helps promote antioxidant production. Read more about PBMT and cancer here.

PBMT stimulates cellular energy production (adenosine triphosphate or ATP) and can decrease fat. Low level laser light can penetrate the skin and reduce the stability of fat cell membranes without affecting skin, muscle, or nerve tissue. The fat cells then release their lipids, which are carried away by the lymphatic system. Taking lipids out of fat cells makes them smaller, reducing the amount of fat. In other words, light therapy helps the body wash away fat cells. Results begin to appear about 4 weeks after treatment. PBMT is not by itself a weight loss program. Only a life change with an emphasis on diet and exercise will have a dramatic and lasting effect on weight loss. But if you’re doing everything right, PBMT can enhance your efforts. The process is considered quite safe. It requires no downtime and there are no reported side effects.


Take a journey through waters of varying temperatures in the European-designed Kneipp hot/cold wading pool and Tepidarium therapeutic soaking pool. Then find inspiration in the bracing cold deluge shower, this is one of our most important healing rituals of ‘taking the waters’ while at the spa. All hydrotherapy modalities are designed to boost immunity, increase circulation and promote relaxation without adding strain.

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